We are still learning

Hello families,

The first couple of days of online learning has taught us a lot about our new platform.
I wanted to give you an idea of how things will move forward this week.

I will post work for the week on Sunday evening with a due date a week away. Students can work at their own pace to complete the work and I am trying to stay within the CBE parameters of English Language Arts and Math with a total of only 5 hours a week of assigned work.

I am trying to respond to students as quickly as possible and within 24hrs (Monday if the message comes in on Friday)

I have scheduled a Google Meet for Tuesday, April 7th at 10:30 am for this week to try it out. I have sent your child an invitation on their educbe.ca account. (If you have headphones available for your child to use that would be great). If your child is able to join us at that time for a live chat that would be great. If not I will record and post the meeting. This first meeting will be a welcome and question and answer session. I am uncertain at this time when and how often I will have other Meet sessions.

Thank you for your patience.

Please remember: Friday, April 10th is - Good Friday - No school
                             Monday, April 13 is a PD Day and I will not be available online

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