Spring Break

Happy Spring Break! When we return their won't be so much snow outside our classroom window.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new situation. There are a few links I would like to share with you for break. Learning from home is directly on the CBE website and my children and I have already had fun creating our ideal 24h day. The second link is by Mrs. Fahrney ( I don't know her personally) she has compiled 30 virtual field trips including zoo trips and even trips to space. I know so many of you have had to change travel plans so I hope this can help a little. 

I have sent an email to all families so that you can have access to our EPIC classroom page for reading and I have emailed every student on their educbe.ca account. 

Finally, I would like to share a resource that was designed by my friends in my Master's cohort. It is designed to support student wellness. There are some great activities and tools to use to help with mindfulness.  Interactive Mindfulness Game

I will post on the blog again on March 30th. I wish everyone a wonderful break and I look forward to connecting again soon. 

Miss you all. 

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